Let your Gold and Silver work for you
Members' own trading system to turn your own stock
Make your silver work for you
Zion-centered corporate financing and development of your own gold-silver depot
With the Silver TempleCoin for the Third Temple in Jerusalem to restore the 12 Tribe Kingdom of Israel!
also available in Gold
And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
Our Problem Today
The US dollar as the world's reserve currency has lost 90% of its purchasing power over the past 70 years.
The central bank currencies of almost every country in the world are threatened with drowning if the biggest credit bubble of all time bursts.
The US-Dollar
was a warehouse receipt for gold in 1900.
For 20 dollars, 1 ounce of gold was paid out by the US Treasury Department if required, that is about 1.5 grams of gold per 1 dollar.
This gold link was gradually removed over the next 70 years in order to be able to increase government spending by simply printing money. Fiat money came into being.
≫Let there be money.≪
In God we Trust
On August 15, 1971, President Nixon completely ended the gold standard and paved the way for a constant increase in the money supply (debt) to this day.
As a result, a strongly growing world economy with unbelievable prosperity was generated, but due to the exponentially increasing amount of money to this day, a mountain of debt has been piled up that can no longer be repaid and catastrophic worldwide upheavals in the economic structure.
Today we are in the final of the question of real money.
..even worse..
The endgame of
last days
666 - SYSTEM
After property rights have been granted over the last few decades over every corner of life, the digital and the real world, including patents and licenses, and the creeping expropriation has progressed, not just over taxes, interest or inflation, we are now in the last Features of the biblical 666 system:
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
But there is something else
to the US-Dollar ...
The missing Stone
The first meeting of the founding members of the US Constitution on May 25, 1787, which consisted of members of the Freemasons and the Illuminati Order, took place on the basis of the belief in the fulfillment of the Holy Scriptures, namely that at the end of days the one, THE ONE, the Son of Man, coming out of the nations, who is placed on the top of the pyramid as the least of all men: the one who is written in the heavens and who establishes the kingdom of Jerusalem again.
"The stone that the builders discarded has become the cornerstone."
But first everyone was brought to debt.
and then what hardly anyone expected happened:
EPHRAIM, the heir, appeared..
and he builds the
Ephraim National
Gold & Silver Trust
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine:
and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God,
possessor of heaven and earth:
And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand.
And he gave him tithes of all.
The Trust of the Community of the Heirs of Jakob
Nation of Ephraim
The Trust manages the national wealth of the Nation Ephraim
Money of God
Debt relief after Leviticus 25
Exchange from Debt note/ credit money in assets = gold & silver -
#NewDeal in Zion.
Gold and Silver are the real money of God. Fairtrade, Fair weight and purity.
Jerusalem is the Middle of the earth
The gold and silver depot with the TempleCoin
as a means of payment
for the House of the lord
The Trust Account:
Your own Weight Account
Exchange debt money regularly or irregularly (Euro, Dollar, Yuan) in precious metal and create your own gold and silver depot.
With us, every gram of your purchases is always traceable and physically covered on our weight account in the LBMA connection and our own merchandise management system with its own app, which is developed at now.
Your depot and inventory are physically stored and managed by the trust to the gram. No gram is booked twice, as is unfortunately so often the case with many providers these days.
In the Trust Exchange, all purchases and sales take place at regularly updated gold and silver prices. Every gram you buy is in your own weight sub-account.
Billing accurate to the gram
The Trust Trading System:
Production and delivery of TempleCoins from the members' trust holdings.
Production and delivery process from the acceptance and purchase of silver and gold on the Lbma weight account, granulate delivery, round blank production and minting and delivery of your own coins - all in one hand.
The 7.77 gram shekel as a means of payment for the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, which will make silver the world's leading currency again.
Ephraim, who, as the first and last, gathers the lost tribes and re-establishes the 12 Tribe Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Buy the TempleCoin here..
Buy silver and gold-backed certificates, each backed by a physical gram of silver or gold.
The Certificates allow you to invest in Zion-Centered businesses registered with the Trust and share ownership of any future trading profits.
With the simple Trust-S and Trust-G certificates, you participate in the trust's trading surplus with the total quantity and are considered in the annual financial statements, in addition to your already secured weight of your total gram quantity purchased.
Book your physical stock of coins and bars in our trading system via our certification of your individual pieces and we "turn" your stock, that is sell and buy, so that your stock is not idle in the closet at home.
Every checked-in product is registered with a number and traceable, every gram sold is re-bought.
Via a connection to our merchandise management system, everyone is able to track their own inventory, as well as to trade and swap with each other or to swap the inventory for produced TempleCoins.
Coins & Bullions
The trust offers certificates, each covered with a physical gram of silver or gold, which are physically posted to your own weight account at the time of purchase and at the spot price.
The simple Trust-S and Trust-G certificates guarantee you a share in the trading surplus of the trust, which it generates with its total amount of silver and gold in the financial year.
Furthermore, the trust issues certificates for the Zion-centered companies registered with it, which are traded in the trust exchange at current prices. These, too, are each covered with one gram of silver or gold.
Through the ownership shares of your purchased certificates, you will participate in the trading profits of these companies in the future.
In addition to your secured weight of your own purchased total gram, you are involved in future trading profits of the trust or special ventures via the certificates.
In the Trust Exchange you will find all current prices of all companies and certificates registered with the Trust, just as you can resell your certificates to potential buyers here.
Certificates and corporate finance.
Trust Exchange
The engine is running..
Target-oriented action based on market knowledge, knowledge and intelligence
spot price
Best silver development and barrier-free market access
Erhöhung der Schnelligkeit im Umsatz des Bestandes und Erhöhung der Transaktionen
Trust through knowledge