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Templecoin becomes world reserve currency! Rabbi Hillel Weiss of the Sanhedrin confirms!

Writer: Hannes Josef AntaszekHannes Josef Antaszek

Updated: May 9, 2021

In the Messianic Jerusalem newspaper Israel365News, which is followed worldwide, an article appears today in which Rabbi Hillel Weiss announces the production of the first real Templecoin ("half shekel"), which is to settle the commanded Temple tax for all Israelites, which is concretely related to the construction of the Third Temple and the return of the Messiah.

Rabbi Weiss, the former spokesman of the Sanhedrin, to whom last spring Ulf's personal 12 kg complete documentation went, has obviously also followed the last articles of our blog very closely, since even the Bitcoin and the GameStop-ShortSqueeze are taken up by him in the interview, as of course also the causal worldwide credit problem of worthless fiat money.

Furthermore, just a few days ago Ephraim approached Rabbi Avraham Feld in Jerusalem regarding the planned cooperation with the Sanhedrin in the field of silver, since this is explicitly fundamentally constituted in the charter of the Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust.

Promptly, the article seems like an answer.

Of course, in the area of "money" there is no great contradiction between Ephraim and Judah, for both know: Only gold and silver are the true money and, moreover, the only true money of God.

"For mine is the silver, and mine is the gold, saith the LORD of hosts." Haggai 2:8

With the fixed calibration weighting, however, the Sanhedrin should again ask the priest about the order of Melchizedek, for he clearly stated:

1 shekel = 7.77 G ; 4 shekels = 1 ounce. (See here)

If one considers that the Sanhedrin some weeks ago again created a new Domain ( as well as also their Logo on Facebook to us adapted, then a co-operation should not fall too heavily. Templecoin knows: Ephraim and Judah are sitting in the same boat and it´s for all:

There is No Israel without Josef!

Josef is in the starting blocks!

The Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust is already looking forward to the soon first production of our classic Templecoins in 7.77g!

You can find Adam Berkowitz's article here .

From the article:

This is definitely true for Templecoin: money that is really worth something!


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