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May the 4th be with you!

Writer: Hannes Josef AntaszekHannes Josef Antaszek

May the Force be with you" (May the Force be with you) was the motto of the heroes of the Star Wars trilogy in the fight against evil, which was released on May 25th, 1977 for Ulf's 10th birthday!

Luke Skywalker, the celestial stormer, not only waged the star wars against his own father, Darth Vader, but also centrally against the Death Star and the Emperor, a simple symbol of the Vatican and Pope, which at least since the Lateran Treaty between Mussolini and the saint chair had again received an all-encompassing kingdom and today, with a special seat over the UN, is equal boss over all nations.

The Germans are also linked to a special treaty, the Reich Concordat between Adolf Hitler for the German Reich and the Holy See, in their religious practice, and Cardinal Woelki is the one who confirmed this treaty between Hitler and the Pope twice, the last one times in the Düsseldorf State Chancellery, which maintains good contact with the Chabad Lubawitch, where Heribert Reul from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution likes to hear the shofar.


Cardinal Woelki was at the same time as me and the rabbis on Mount Zion in the final contest for inheritance. Who owns the heritage and the mountain? Here on Mount Zion there will be redemption and Jacob will be returned to his possessions.

In his motu proprio of February 20, 2023, the birthday of Ulf's grandfather, the Pope has already informed the 1.6 billion Catholics as well as all people all over the world: "None of you own anything! Neither real estate, cash assets, nor Securities, everything was only managed in trust for the heirs, neither Woelki, Marx or anyone else has any claim and has to hand everything over in the end!


The framework conditions are clear, the circle closes, because the nation of Ephraim has had a permanent representation and embassy since yesterday, April 24th, 2023, 6 years after the founding of the Ephi Center in Iserlohn and on the birthday of Ulf's father in the Golan in the Holy Land along with a permanent bureau of the Sanhedrin Initiative, which also includes key Chabad Lubawitch Shluchim.

The entire accumulated paperwork of the FRG authorities against the priest according to the Melchizedek order as well as individual members of the community of heirs Jakob, primarily also the proven genocide in Harsewinkel by the SPD, can now very soon be dealt with in an orderly manner via the diplomatic external relations between the orthodox Government in Israel and support of the Chabad Lubawitch with Düsseldorf for NRW and with Berlin for the whole of Germany and clarified. We always said: Genocide does not become statute-barred and the anti-Semitism laws also clearly protect against anti-Semitism against non-Jews, which is why the NRW report for the protection of the constitution rightly points out that we have reported it several times.

Here is a small part of the things to be worked out, which only came up at the club address in Cologne, where Ulf Diebel registered on July 25, 2019, the same day of the Trump Zelensky call. (Here is an article from my birthday)

The witch hunt for Trump and the witch hunt for Ulf Diebel ran parallel, the fight of light against darkness is now, 8 years after Ulf Diebel started his job as Ephraim, nearing completion.

Eight years ago, Ulf Diebel instructed his old friend and leader of the International Christian Embassy, Dr. Jürgen Bühler pointed out that with the help of his Jewish brothers he would clarify the injustices he had committed and cross-border lies and thefts. At that time this was not possible in a hurry, but now after 8 years, there is no longer much in the way of throwing Jürgen Bühler out of the Holy Land, after the orthodox rabbis confirmed his spiritual danger to the state of Israel in 2015/16 and one here only needs another concrete reason to put a stop to the preaching of a false god in the land itself.

Bühler, meanwhile, prefers to take care of Fijis rather than the really urgent cases of his brothers or the urgent questions in Jerusalem, because he has certainly already noticed that something is building up in the country itself in a threatening way and that's how the Fijis are maybe the last to look up to him in an unencumbered way.

But back to StarWars:

After decades of Hollywood telling the story of the one hero who saves the world from total destruction at the last second, Star Wars Day on May 4th coincides with Passover 2, what is known as the Passover Sheni the Passover is for Ephraim, since he and his associates missed the first Passover and must be invited separately.

Second Passover on May 4th on Mount Zion in Jerusalem!

While the official conclusion of the treaty between Ephraim and Judah is targeted for the second half of May, with international legal consequences, May will begin with our official celebration of the Second Passover on Mount Zion.

In addition to Patrick and Alex, who are already in the country, Hubert Rogon, 1st chairman of the community of heirs Jakob e.V., and myself also want to appear for the second Passover to officially celebrate the celebrations and we would be happy to see you again !

Ephraim also strives to appear on site after an official invitation, as in 2 Chronicles 30.1, should everything work out with his papers, and so he will set foot on holy ground again for the first time in years and appear in Jerusalem, with the appropriate ones Consequences that cannot be valued highly enough!

Due to short-term planning, we regret not being able to invite more formally and sooner, but we encourage anyone whose heart feels moved by God to hurry to Jerusalem to attend our historic celebrations.

Although the celebration of the Second Passover on Mount Zion may be a little smaller and more informal, a Passover party for Shabbat on Friday May 5th is being planned at our new embassy in Katsrin in the Golan and we can together from Jerusalem to Katsrin, just 2 hours drive away.

A few sleeping places in Jerusalem can be guaranteed, but overnight stays that can be booked at short notice can also be arranged, be it in Jerusalem or in Katsrin.

You can book a flight at short notice via our Effi Antje in Nuremberg, contact 0911363600 or 0176 62 058 461.

Anyone who doesn't manage to be there next week shouldn't despair, because from May 20th or later our official contract inspections will take place in Israel, probably in our friendly synagogue in Haifa, where larger ones can also take place Meetings with business activities are planned.

Shavuot, that this year falls on May 25th, 2023 at the same time as Ephraim's birthday, should then be officially celebrated on Mount Zion and everyone is already cordially invited and should keep this date free.

May the words of Rabbi Berger, who holds David's tomb on Mount Zion in the Davidic lineage, be fulfilled: May the return of the tribes and union with the Jews have a butterfly effect on the whole world and idolatry finish on Mount Zion.

So, if you can, be there for the 2nd Passover! The rest later!

See you this year in Jerusalem!

May the force be with us!


TempleCoins for your travel budget, zadaka and distribution in the country are available here:


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