The word has spread, the TempleCoin channel for Hashem's payments is set by Ephraim and Judah!
Thus there is a concrete business partnership between Ephraim and Judah and this about the payments of the Israelites to fulfill the biblical commandments.
Chabad Rabbi Yosef Edery of the Golan has agreed to accept payments from the Israelites to work on the needed restoration of the 12 Tribes Kingdom. Here is the picture of his website: It was nice to see that Rabbi Yosef Edery has already officially announced his cooperation with on his site. (Click on the image to go to the website). has many website visits from the US, Brooklyn (Important Chabad seat) and Israel in the last few days and the word is already being spread as well, I hear.
We will now continue to develop this collaboration as part of the process that has begun. Ephraim and Judah will continue to connect spiritually and physically.
Last week the appointment between Yosef Edery and Alex and Patrick took place to get to know each other personally and to hand over the coins and it went great.
Behind this was an initial contact between myself and Edery that lasted for months and, with Hashem's help and even times of pause, led to a fruitful outcome.
After commonalities and differences could be carefully worked out through diplomatic dialogue and I could only gratefully accept Yosef Edery's declared goal of "Unity" after years of anti-Semitic and religious rejection from almost all sides, contact with Edery quickly developed into a gift for me and when Edery told me the night before Alex and Patrick arrived that he was ready to accept the TempleCoins, I even had tears of joy on my face never seen in recent years.

After the appointment in the Golan Edery and I spoke daily the last days, a now more than friendly, if not already in an unusual way also for me noticeably "holy" relationship has developed (not that I would feel holy too much, but the mixture and the common work on the house of God somehow already) because in our "unity" connects us at least both, the constant questioning of God's will for this very concrete time, i.e. what we can or should do and what not, in order to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, combined with the humility that in the end it is also Hashem who puts everything together, since each individual would be too weak for it, no matter how strong he is.
Certainly, however, the last talks took place with a view to initiating the next step soon, namely the first virtual meeting between Yosef Edery and Ephraim.

Already today I am glad and happy to announce that this meeting was successful yesterday. :-)
A joint three-way conversation via Whatsapp was successful in many respects.
In 4 hours and 4 minutes I was able to witness a historic meeting for me personally and the common ground, the boundaries and goals for everything else were defined.
Even if I was very sad to see that the audio track of this meeting was not recorded and thus the conversation belongs for all time to the memory of individuals, it is wonderful that at the end of the conversation still a first roadmap for the further public medial encounter between Ephraim and Judah was marked out:
We agreed on a first introductory series of 6 broadcasts, where the common dialogue between Ephraim and Judah can be initiated on concrete topics in a public way, in order to then come to a yearly series about the Haftara and the prophetic redemption connected with it in our time.
Already now it became clear, at least for me, that the common exchange between Ephraim and Judah will change everything, because here will probably be hidden every explosive power to bring the Kingdom to earth.
Certainly the question of law here is a central theme of future discussions, since the range of different legal norms here is very broad: from, on the one hand, the Jewish law of a Hasidic rabbi of Chabad Luvawitch and what it requires for him to obtain the kingdom, and then, on the other hand, the reality of the Diebel family case or the underlying legal situation of the final judgment of the Apocalypse that took place, which is also related to "secular" law and how it came about (canon law, commercial law, etc).
In the end, of course, it is then about the question of the only true Torah champion, not to forget that the Torah is the highest form of law.
At least one thing is clear: If there is a Moshiach, he must be able to solve all problems as written down. So all you have to do is listen to him and understand the built-in solution and unlock the kingdom yourself with it. With what can you do that better than with the key of David.
Thank you Ulf!
The exciting questions how Ephraim and Judah should manage to elect a "Jewish" king, in conformity with every law, and then one who will re-establish the Davidic dynasty, could be one of many exciting questions that will be dealt with soon, the beginnings are already made.
And how can you participate now, who is reading this now?
Every individual now has the opportunity to solidify this New Deal!
Send your TempleCoins via to Rabbi Yosef Edery, who is in the forefront on the Jewish side fighting to fulfill the requirements for crowning a king!
Do you too want redemption from all your debts and to bring the biblical promises to earth? Then show Rabbi Edery that you mean business:
Order your TempleCoins here, which we will send as your offering to Rabbi Yosef Edery of Chabad, and show Rabbi Edery that we really want the New Covenant between Ephraim and Judah.
Let's also show Rabbi Edery that we are serious about really deposing the Pope, because with the help of Rabbi Edery we will accomplish this very quickly and finally end all misery!
Order your TempleCoins here, which will go to Yosef Edery for his work on the Sanhedrin. Write your mother's first name in the order, because then a small Hasidic prayer will be said for you after the delivery.
Historic! His Story comes to the next phase..