From the Heraeus Weekly Bulletin:
Another rate hike seems all but a foregone conclusion, but recent gold price action looks beyond July. Easing US inflation has rallied over the past week, taking gold prices to $1,964/ounce, their highest level since June 16th. US CPI fell to 3% in June and core inflation fell below 5% for the first time since December 21. This suggests that the Fed's rate hike in July could possibly be the last and that a price below $1,900/oz is now unlikely. Traders in bond markets now appear more confident that further rate tightening is coming to an end. The dollar is at its weakest against other currencies since April 2022 on weaker interest rate expectations, supporting the bullish trend in precious metals. Bond traders' positioning suggests that a rate cut is not imminent. Now, 18 months into the current “temporary” inflation cycle, the US dollar's streak of strength should be coming to an end as long as there are no further rate hikes after this month. As a result, the price of gold should continue to rise in the second half of the year.
Gold closed at $1,958/ounce last week, up 1.6%. Despite this, investors have not yet jumped back into the rally on a large scale. ETF holdings fell 143,000 ounces last week, but that's 50% fewer outflows than the first week of the month. Should institutional investors see the rise in gold prices as a trigger to re-enter and inflows turn positive, the rally could gain momentum. The $2,000 mark could then possibly be tested again in the coming weeks.
US demand for silver investment products has improved and is expected to exceed 2022 demand. June sales totaled 1.48 million ounces, following May's strong US Mint sales of 1.59 million ounces of American Eagle silver coins. This brings total US Mint silver coin sales to 9.7 million ounces this year. Demand for this year is now expected to increase by 21% year-on-year, however, based on the current sales rate, 2023 sales should remain well below the 10-year average of 29.4 million ounces. Nonetheless, the sentiment for investing in silver appears to be robust. ETF outflows have been less this year compared to gold. Even if the sentiment on the investment side seems to be good, industrial applications dominate the majority of the market. An improvement in economic activities in China and Europe may therefore be necessary to allow the price to rise significantly further in the second half of 2023.
Like gold, silver prices rallied on the US June CPI reading, breaking above its downtrend line and outperforming the other precious metals. Silver is up 8% week-on-week.
Trust comment:
After last week, the Out newsletter is also becoming bullish again for God's money.
There are many good reasons in favor of another price breakout, most of which are inherent and well known to basically every gold & silver lover.
A good reason is, for example, the CRB commodities index, which shows that we are on the verge of the next upswing in the commodities cycle. We had just seen this development as gas and oil prices, as well as gold and silver, rallied sharply in 2020 before impacting official inflation.
Even now, inflation seems to be falling again and oil and gas seem to have found a bottom again and could start the next wave, which also means rising prices for gold and silver.

Nevertheless, the bullish charts from Northstabadcharts, for example, are sometimes deceptive, because their bullish GoldSilver charts have been repeatedly adjusted to changing conditions for years, even if prices are falling, as was the case recently for 15 months.
Since nobody can really predict the future, we at the Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust recommend regularly exchanging credit money for gold and silver so that you can generate an average price for yourself. If you only act on the euphoria of the participants in your purchasing decisions, you can quickly buy overpriced and quickly end up making a loss again with your investment.
Why the trustee is still skeptical about the perception of many participants has to do with this chart, which has been shown several times.

After the first major downward wave on the financial markets since December 21 (peak euphoria), the market had recovered again from October 22 and this recovery has been so massive to date that participants assume that the recession behind it has passed and that we would be already returned to a "back to normal". Due to the deceptive rallies of the past few months, many think the underlying structural problems have been resolved, which in my view is far from the case.
At the same time, central banks, through their manipulative monetary policies, have managed to keep markets seemingly more stable than they really are, while we know that BlackSwan events are not out of the question for the near future, which will then lead to the next and much more painful downwave after "Compliance" should be held responsible. This would then also fit perfectly with the planned introduction of the CBDC currency.
Gold and silver tend to be the first to bounce back from a recession, but I believe that bottom (anger, depression) is a long way off and the Great Reset that is being planned and fully implemented is more likely to happen from first destroying all asset classes for the investor and not leaving them any place of retreat, not even gold and silver, where the risk can be quite high of being below their own purchase prices for a long time, should the DeepState agenda be completed.

So I see the rescue from a different angle, namely on the one hand the events in the USA, where the reckoning of the corrupt, inhuman DEEPSTATE goes into its final chapter
and on the other hand also in Jerusalem, where the orthodox Jews are increasingly rebelling against the Trinitarian influence of the Christians, which is directly linked to the case of Ephraim.
(Here is an article by Ephraim about this immensely important process:

In my view, this speech by Jerome Corsi from more than 7 years ago shows very clearly how far we have come in implementing this plan over the years and are also close to the last act after, for example, the Ukraine last week more or less dropped.
(click on the image to hear the speech)
Other than that, it only remains to say that the general developments in Germany and the world make an early rescue increasingly necessary, since the population in Germany is not able to defend itself due to their broken condition.
Last weekend you could see how people in Poland react to sexual harassment of minors.
While outdoor pools are being closed in Berlin and elsewhere because they capitulated long ago and the SPD chancellor only grins that he hasn't been to the outdoor pool for 40 years, the police in Poland have to protect the perpetrators from lynching the population .
We find a positive conclusion to this short article with yesterday's 4th Sanhedrin Conference in Jerusalem, where the need for its construction was further promoted. A nice final picture provides information about the existing good forces to reorganize the world according to the Bible.

The only reason the world is so trashed is because people miss the connection to the Bible. Only a return to the Torah and prophets, a proper understanding of the Bible, can make the world a better place again and in no time.
This also applies to our financial situation. Only when we use a gold and silver linked currency will our inflationary and deflationary problems go away.
Then gold and silver will unfold for the world its real radiance and tranquillity, which makes real economic construction possible.
You can join the Ephraim National Gold & Silver Trust now:
With the trust account you can find our silver and gold backed tradable certificates in the trust exchange on
You can get access for a one-time membership payment of 100 euros with the Ephi-Card as an access requirement. So make sure that the TrustAccount is only for EphiCard holders.
If you don't have an Ephi ID card yet, you can take out one here together with the trust account for an additional 100 euros for the Ephi card.
Here is the current year issue 5783 with Mount Zion in the middle.
With the voucher code Zion23 you can get the coin in the shopping cart for 2 euros below the price. The offer runs until the end of July.
You can order the current Sanhedrin TempleCoin special edition of our biblical half-shekel in 7.775g fine silver here:
You can find the TempleCoin gold edition of the Jewish year 5782 here:
Here is our popular 1 gram gold card:
Check out the TempleCoin Shop for more exciting products . Shalom