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When Jesus comes back, then...

As ?

When  ?



Who now exactly?  

(Jesus? A Messiah? Mr X?)

When finding the  answers  "Sola Scriptura" we just go  according to Scripture and applicable law.


What people believe is not relevant here!

So what is known?

1)How is he coming back?

● Living human. Had to be born.

● It comes as it went means:  The spirit that ascended to heaven at the moment of death on the cross must descend in the same way and itself  put on a living person.

"And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says (Psalm 97:7): 'And let all the angels of God worship him.'" Hebrews 1:6

"And when he had said this, he was lifted up before their eyes, and a cloud took him up away from their eyes." Acts 1.9

Acts 1:11: "They said, 'Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking up into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come back just as you saw him go into heaven.'"

"One thing, however, should not be hidden from you, dear ones, that one  Day  before the Lord like  a thousand years  is and  a thousand years  as a  day." (2 Peter 3:8)

2)​​ When does he come?

● after 2 days, "on the third day" .  Jesus was 7 days old on 1/1/1, so the third day began on 1/1/2001 and with it the fundamental messianic age.






● Numerous celestial events announced in Scripture  made it possible to narrow down the time very precisely:


  1. 3 never-before-seen Blood Moon Tetrads to recreate the Land of Israel in 1948, to take Jerusalem in 1967 and then again in 2015  

  2. Moon symmetry on May 1st, 2015  

  3. important accumulation of certain blood moons and solar eclipses since 1999

  4. Reappearance of the Star of Bethlehem after 2000 years  

  5. Unique constellation described in the Bible "The Virgin gives birth to the Child"

"And there appeared a great sign in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  And she was with child, and cried out in childbirth, and was in great distress in childbirth."  Rev 12:1+2

"And I want to do miracles above  in the sky  and  Sign  on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;" Acts 2:19

 "And I will do wonders in the heavens above, and signs on the earth beneath - blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 4 The sun will be darkened and the moon blood red before the great and glorious day of the Lord dawns. 5 And everyone who calls the name calls of the Lord will be saved. For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem help will be found, just as the Lord promised. Everyone who turns to the Lord will escape" Joel 3:3-5

3)​​ Where is he from?

● It is written  always around Jerusalem as the center of the earth. If you don't show up there, you can never be the Christ.

● Jesus already knew that the descendants of the Holy People  will spread to the ends of the earth, which is the case in our time. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1.8

● Why does Berlin matter? Berlin as the location of Satan's throne and as the place of internationally unresolved treaties (Germany as an enemy state in the UN, Holocaust history, the total burning of Jews and Germans), as the central city of the Babylonian confusion among the German people, the  Heiden, the  Brothers of the Jews who have completely forgotten their identity of biblical lineage. 

4) Why at all?


●The whole goal of the story in the Bible is the kingdom of Jerusalem at the end of days, ushering in the 1000 year reign of peace. For the Christians it will be Jesus who initiates it, for the Jews the Messiah, for the Muslims the Mahdi.

Ultimately, it is clear in Scripture that this  only the "Christ" can do, who with this event brings the final proof of God for all people and ends all religious disputes once and for all.

● The New Covenant between Ephraim (Joseph's successor and heir of all the house of Israel (Jeremiah 31:9)  and Judah has yet to be closed as the two houses were separated 2800 years ago and so far only the Jews are back in the Holy Land. However, the Jews are only one of the 12 tribes that represent the biblical descendants of all Israel. Only Ephraim is able to resolve the dispute between Christians and Jews that has been going on for 2000 years.

5.) So who now?

Jesus was a Jew and kept the Torah. So we can assume that the Christ in the resurrection would do the same and would not support the idolatry of Rome, which stands for man Jesus  even as God worships. It  would be completely against the Torah to proclaim a living or dead man to be God.

The Christ repeatedly points out that he is only a servant of God and a brother to his brothers, not a god who would like to lead his brothers to God.

Likewise, the Christ in the resurrection does not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, just as Jesus did.  So it's about fulfilling God's commandments and not the Pope's dogmas of faith.

The Vatican knew all this very well because they were there  able to read what is written in the Bible and just as the Jesuit stargazers were able to precisely precalculate numerous celestial events.

For Rome it was the perfect solution for almost 2000 years, with the declaration of Christianity as the state religion  to expand the Church's claim to power worldwide  and to gather all nations under the Pope (Urbi et Orbi) so that everything could be prepared to hand over all of creation to the one heir at the end of days, for it is one seed, one heir: "Now are the promises made to Abraham and  his descendant. It doesn't say: »And the  Descendants', as if many were meant, but it applies to one: 'and yours  descendants" (Genesis 22:18), who is Christ." (Galatians 3:16)

Already  in Vatican II all became  created laws  for the soon and specifically to be calculated  arrival of the Christ.

Not only for this reason is an official title of the Pope  "Vicar of Christ until He comes", Vicarius Christi  or in Latin "anti-Christ" =  "Instead of Christ", which should also make it clear to every Christian who the famous Antichrist is who sits down in the temple in Jerusalem. The Pope and  Antichrist, the  The 8th king according to the Lateran Treaty was already on the Temple Mount on May 26, 2014, one day after Ulf Diebel's 40th birthday.

At the end it says: Pacta Sunt Servanta, contracts must be observed and this applies above all to the most important laws of Rome:

  • Your Filius

  • your verb

  • Lumen Gentium

  • Eucharisticum Mystery

  • Nostra Aetate

After Christ's official request to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (commonly called the Inquisition), the Pope announced the appearance of Christ between the lines and unnoticed by the world press in his motu proprio "Aperuit Illis".

For peace in Zion and the New Covenant between Ephraim and Judah, the final and important alliance between Edom/Esau and Ishmael had to be made, which was expressed in the declaration of brotherhood between all people and was finally confirmed by the Fratello Tutti.

On January 1st, 2001 Ulf Diebel was 33 years, seven months and seven     days and continued living the life of Jesus.

Ulf Diebel left Jerusalem in 2007 at the age of 40

  He must have children. " Behold, here am I and the children whom the LORD hath given me as a sign and a prophecy in Israel, from the LORD of hosts, which dwells in Mount Zion."


The basic decoding of the WHO is WHO in the Bible could only be revealed by Christ himself through revelation.

● At the age of 40, Christ left Jerusalem.  (Jesus was with  33 crucified).

"After his passion he showed himself to them by many proofs that he was alive and was seen among them for forty days and spoke to them about the kingdom of God." Acts 1.3

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